It seems to strike me every year at about this time. I want to be doing something different. I begin to work on weaseling my way into ordination or looking at PhD programs, and reading academic journals to dream of my future. Why is this? Why is it that at such an exciting time of the year in the church, I feel so uninspired?
Part of it, I know, is my worship life. The worship services in my current congregation suck the marrow out of me. I try so hard to pay attention to the sermons, but the preacher's pace and tone are such that it renders me zombified. In the event that I do hear the words, they usually sound a lot like, "Blah, blah, blah, Jesus. Blah, blah, blah, church. Blah, blah, prayer." In three years here, I am not sure one sermon has inspired me.
The music is beautiful. But it is my dad's music. I like it once a month -- the organ, the orchestra, the good old setting 4 of the LBW or whatever confusing service we pull out of the new Lutheran Hymnal. I want something that sounds more like Ryan Adams or Death Cab with an occasional bit of Lily Allen thrown in. Something that moves me and speaks to me in my language. I speak "A Mighty Fortress is our God," but that is mostly because it is tradition. It does little to nothing to my soul.
If you don't know me, you are surely wondering why I still go to this church if it makes me feel this way. Well, I work there. And I am not in charge of worship. I make suggestions on occasion, but usually they are met with a bemused look and a statement that kind of sounds like, "That's nice, dear."
Outside of my lack of enthusiasm for worship, I am also affected by the fact that this is the longest I have stayed in one place since high school. I like to move around, see new things, meet new people, and I have been seeing the same people for a while now.
Argh -- I feel so spoiled for even bothering to complain about this. I mean, I am warm, I am comfortable, I am loved. I have a job, I have health insurance, I have running water and food. Still, I have this gnawing, aching feeling that I belong somewhere other than where I am today.